Grupo 7540

Growth Engine

In this phase, we build an 'always-on' growth engine focusing on content distribution, performance marketing, proper lead collection, and marketing automation, which supports your customer journey and drives qualified leads to your sales team.

Growth Engine

I denne fase bygger vi en “always-on” vækstmotor med fokus på
indholdsdistribution, performance marketing, korrekt leadopsamling og
marketing automation, der understøtter jeres kunderejse samt driver
kvalificerede leads til jeres sælgere.

Content distribution

When the customer journey is defined, we ensure the distribution of content on the channels and media where your customers are present. This typically happens on platforms like LinkedIn, Google, Bing, Facebook, and Instagram, but we also have experience with media buying on niche media and comparison portals like Shopify ads, Quora, Capterra, and others.

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Lead collection and qualification.

At Formula X, we specialize in account-based marketing (ABM), creating landing pages, forms, and websites that capture qualified leads and pass them on to the sales department. We also build reports that connect your marketing activities to sales. Additionally, we ensure that leads are handled effectively during the transition to sales, and through thorough lead scoring, we ensure that the leads forwarded are not cold.

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Marketing Automation

An effective marketing engine requires personalized content and automated processes that save your team time and make your processes easier. We provide strategic, tactical, and operational guidance in marketing automation through HubSpot and Zapier.

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We will make marketing your best investment. Therefore,
we build the necessary dashboards and reports
so you can keep track of your return on marketing activities

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Do you want more customers through B2B marketing? Contact us below so we can discuss your case.